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Expecting in 5 months.

Studio A B See's doors opened to the public on Nov. 12, 2016. In five days it will be 6 months since that wonderful Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. What a whirlwind of excitement since that day!

Anyone who has ever started a new business knows that the first few months are often a rocky financial road. Yes, it has been the same here, but I like to laugh and tell my friends that I will be the happiest bankrupt business woman they have ever met!

Things are picking up! My classes are growing and I have made so many new friends! Every day someone comes in that has never seen my studio before and tells me that "this is what Coweta has been needing." And many have told me later that this has become their "happy place." What better compliment could a studio receive?

Many years ago I thought that it would be...(hmmmm...I wish I could think of a word here that is more awesome than "awesome") ...that it would be...ummm....exciting?.... wonderful?...ok, OK!...AWESOME!... if I ever had a chance to display elementary school children's art right beside the works of professional artists. How many people actually accomplish their lifetime dreams? I did! In the last art show at my studio I did exactly what I had silently dreamed about for years! It was a very successful show! Several artists sold their works, but the success I'm focusing on is the change I am seeing art make in the lives of people! They are becoming more self-confident and enjoy sharing once they stop proclaiming that they are "not good enough to be in an art show" and take that first scary step.

A few of the things that have happened since Nov. 12? Made a lot of new friends, became a design team leader, got engaged, joined a new church with my fiance, got married, and NO...I am NOT expecting a baby in five months! But I AM expecting that

next Nov. 12 at my one year anniversary that I can look back with exceeding joy!

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